Our UPVC Doors
Our windows are professionally manufactured and installed using high quality UPVC and aluminium in Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire. High security comes as standard, with all our products which use multipoint locking systems to repel all but the most determined professional intruder.
There is a upvc door in our range to suit everyone; choose from solid woodgrain effects, or glass panelled doors with a range of glazing options. We can provide obscured glazing, stained glass features, lead features and a variety of energy efficiency rated doors in staffordshire.
If you are looking for a larger back door, bring the outdoors inside and create a sense of space and light by adding patio doors, French doors or modern Bi-fold doors. All these doors are as durable, weather resistant and secure as our windows and conventional doors.

Sure Seal Windows are Staffordshire’s recognised ultion installers and replacement key specialists
Check out the link below for more information on ultion products, or to order replacement or extra ultion keys online visit ULTION KEY CUTTING